Try, try again

Phew, this week was a tough one. 

We were supposed to have 4 baptisms on saturday with these youth that we've been working really hard with but all 4 fell through. That's been really really hard for my comp and I. After coming to love these people and spending so much time praying, fasting, and studying for them it's pretty disheartening. 

We had splits for the first time this week too, which made it hard cause I couldn't be in my area to work with our 4 youth but it was still a great learning experience! Sister Marinho really pushed me and gave me plenty of opportunities to teach/contact. Kinda scary but good! 

Miracle of the week, we have an investigator who smokes marijuana and is having a hard time stopping. She said that if she found work to fill her time that would really help. So we decided to fast for her that she would find a job. Not even an hour after we started she called to say that she found work! Woohoo!!! That made it a little hard to finish the whole fast but it really proved to us that God hears our righteous desires!!

Love you all!
Sister Rosenberg

we made some kind of potato, beef, cheese thing. Weird but way good!

-In Fragata for splits with Sister Marinho

With Wagner, who loves to sing and thinks it's just the coolest thing ever that I'm from the US. 

-I found a little bit of San Antonio (close enough) in Brazil!! Definitely miss Texas!


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