BATISMO and transfers!!

Olá mundo! Ok we've got a lot goin on this week.

First off, we had a baptism this Saturday! WooHoo!! Raissa is amazing, she is 13 years old but has a heart of gold and a testimony as strong as a rock! Once again, I can't begin to describe the feelings that accompany a baptism. the knowledge that you helped someone make covenants that will not only last for their whole life bit for all of ETERNITY is something that makes every tough day worth it! 

This week I reached four months on my mission! Woop Woop! Still feels like I just arrived here, not sure where the time is going!! Also, I officially finished my "trainin" as a new missionary. So apparently I'm a real missionary now? Not sure how that works, but I DEFINELY have so so so much to learn still!

Other thing, transfers are today! We definitely thought I was going to be transferred but it turns out my companion got transferred instead! So I'll be staying in Gotuzzo for my third tranfsfer, apparently there are some things that Heavenly Father still needs me to do here! Definitely sad that Sister Oliveira wont be staying with me, it's getting a little tough on the emotions to keep switching companions every 6 weeks! 

This week I was reading about the grace of the Savior. I honestly still don't understand alot but I am so so so grateful for my savoir. In 2 Corinthians 12:9 it says "my grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength s made perfect in weakness" s if we have a weaknesses, all the better!! Christ will ALWAYS be there for us !

Love you all lots!
Sister Rosenberg


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