Hangin' at the beach

12:24 PM (50 minutes ago)

Already two weeks down in my new area, woohoo! This transfer was definitely a crazy one, but defintitely inspired as well! It amazes me just how personally the Lord knows us, and how exactly right President receives that revelation for each one of the missionaries here! 

My testimony of prayer has really been strengthened, I  can see how my language of prayer changes as my relationship with my Heavenly Father grows. Sometimes when I kneel down at night I'm just SO tired and want to sleep.   I feel like when my brothers come home from school and my mom interrogates them. "Just tell me 3 things about your day and then you can go do what you want!" Heaveny Father just wants to hear from us! so rather than force ourselves to get down on our knees and tell him a mere three fun facts about our day, it is SO much better to actually counsel with him. Ask questions, get answers, and share your gratitude. Prayer is so so powerful when used well!! Alma 37:36-37

Love you all lots, boa semana!!!
Sister Rosenberg

the view from our house!

sooo we got to eat for FREE at a resturant that one of the members owns... It was SO GOOD


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