Sou grata por THE PROPHET!!

Allright, highlight of the week and probably the month... Presidente Nelson came to Brasil!! WOOHOO!!! 
How I LOVE our prophet! I'm so grateful for the testimony that I have gained of the blessing to have a prophet. 
Revelation has not ceased, God has not stopped talking with us!! And the prophet is SO inspired, 
every time I hear him speak I am even further more convinced that it is the true voice of God. 
How grateful am I to feel of His love through His servants the prophets and apostles!!

Other fun things that happened, we had to go to Porto Alegre to renew my visa. 
Which may soundddddd cool but that actually just means that we traveled for ten hours in one day. 

Also, I'm still LOVING this whole wearing pants thing. Absolutely amazing. 
Pants and sandals, that's the new missionary style. 

Love ya'll lots and lots, have a great week!!

Sister Rosenberg


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