Reference Guide

I'll probably be using a lot of terms that are specific to our church and it may get kinda confusing for anyone who isn't a member. So here's a list of common terms and their definitions!

MTC/CTM- the Missionary Training Center (or in Portuguese the Centro de Treinamento Missionário) located in São Paulo, where I'll be for six weeks to learn Portuguese and how to better teach people about our church
district/zone- different levels of organization in my mission, with the district having a few companionship of missionaries and the zone having a few districts
branch/ward/stake- levels of organization in our church, with a branch being a small congregation, the ward being a little bit bigger, and the stake being a collection of wards/branches
transfer- a period of time lasting about 6 weeks, after which missionaries could be moved to a new area within their mission or receive a new companion
companion- another missionary of the same gender that I will be with 24/7. Literally, we're required to stay within sight or sound distance of them all of the time!
mission president- a couple that voluntarily lives in my mission and oversees all of the missionaries
investigator- someone who is currently learning about our church but has not yet been baptized into it
convert- someone who has recently been baptized into our church, or converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ
less active- someone who was once a member of the church, but has stopped attending
Bishop- a voluntary position of a man who holds the priesthood and presides over a ward
Sacrament Meeting- the main portion of our Sunday worship, where sermons are given and the sacrament is taken
Preach My Gospel- the manual given to missionaries that guides us in teaching about the gospel of Jesus Christ

And for anyone who was wondering where exactly in Brazil I will be, here's a map! I'll only be in various parts of the highlighted section, mainly south of the city Porto Alegre.


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